発見・金鹿の学級 Discovery (Golden Deer)
Underground Passage
ヒルダ: うわ、気味悪ー。変な匂いもするし……。……あっ、また誰か倒れてますよー?
Hilda: It's way too creepy down here. And it smells funny. And...BAH! A person! They're...unconscious.
Choice 1: フレン? Is it Flayn?
ヒルダ: うん、フレンちゃんだ!でも、もう一人いる……?
Hilda: Yes! It's Flayn! Oh, but there's someone else too...
Choice 2: イエリッツァ? Is it Jeritza?
ヒルダ: 先生、ちゃんと見てくださいよー。女の子が2人じゃないですかー。
Hilda: Look closer, Professor. There are two girls.
イグナーツ: あ、あの! 部屋の奥から誰か来ます!あの鎌……聖廟で戦った騎士!?
Ignatz: Someone is coming! That scythe... Could it be the knight we fought at the Holy Mausoleum?
死神騎士: 貴様……あの剣の……。
Death Knight: That sword. You must be...
One of us will die, the other will live. I will enjoy this dance of damnation.